A button that says 'Google Chrome is EVIL!' with a spinning red pentagram on the right side. A button that alternates between 'KEEP THE WEB FREE/SAY NO TO WEB3' in green text on a black background. A basic, blue and black geocities button. A blue button that says 'Y2K' in rainbow block letters. A blue button that says 'Enhnaced HTML' with a spinning blue floppy disk on the left. A button that says 'NeoCities.org/The Web is Yours' in blue text. A button with a computer that says 'I LIKE COMPUTER'.
A button that says '17776' in white text on a black background. Three yellow, green, and red satellites can be seen in the background. A button with a picture of a copepod (a small, oval-shaped crustacean) that says 'Jartopia' in white text. A button that says 'Rave NOW' with an animated stick figure dancing. A button showing a pixel scene of a blue sky over a green hill. A button that says 'Creating killer websites' with a picture of a fish next to it. A neon blue button with a cyan heartmonitor line in the background that says 'arcade virus' in pixel text. A button that says 'Graphic design is my passion' with clip art of a green frog. A button that says 'I hate Macintosh' with the Mac logo next to it.
An Indonesian stamp with a futuristic, robotic bug on it, commemorating the Y2K bug.
A deviant art stamp showing the 3DS splashscreen. A deviant art stamp of rainbow sticker sheets. A deviant art stamp of Hatsune Miku laughing. A deviant art stamp of a Lisa Frank kitten and puppy. A deviant art stamp of a rainbow made of balloons. A deviant art stamp with a drawing of Invander Zim.

Latest Drawing:

A dark, grainy drawing of snaking centipede legs.

Woah! Isn't that cool.
Click HERE to visit the gallery (and see the full piece!)

A button that says DCS with a picture of a CD. The horse plinko animation squished to button size. Yaoi button that says 'It's okay to give your bros some love'. A button with pictures of files moving in a marquee that says 'The File Transit'. A button that says 'Yeah!' in a fun font. A button that reads 'I dream in HTML'. A button that says 'Shrimp Zone'. A button with the Cheezit logo.

watch this and side line us

A button that says 'The truth NOW' with a picture of a cartoon alien. A black button with a hue shifting color picker that says 'Best viewed 1024x768 16bit color'. A bright blue button that says 'Freeware guide'. A button with a sprawling green grid background and bright pink border that says 'NeoCities.org' in yellow text. A button that says 'No Fucking Thanks!' with the first letters in the phrase highlighted in red to spell out 'NFT'. There is a pixel animation of a smiley beating an NFT monkey over the head with a wooden mallet. An animated gif that flips between displaying the phrases, 'POWERED BY EvilPeople PureEvil', 'Built on the souls of the DAMNED', and 'with Unparalleled success and not a bit of regret'. A black button that says 'Ban time travel NOW' in white text. The word 'now' has quotations around it. A button that says 'Danger! dumbass Webmaster ahead.' with a picture of a green haired anime girl with swirly glasses.
A button with the word 'WinRAR' on it, with the winrar logo next to it. A button with a picture of Hatsune Miku that says 'Vocaloid Now! 1.0'. A teal button with the Windows logo that has the text 'Windows96'. A grey button with a pixel art drawing of the Earth, that says 'WORLD WIDE WEB, Connecting people since 1991'. A rainbow button that reads 'Imaginary Land'. A white to green gradient button with a pixel art of a tv displaying a rainbow. It also has the text 'Geocities Television City'. A dark red and purple buton that reads 'Dreamworld'. A button with the Playstation logo and name.